
Got these bottles of wine as a gift of the high schools i visited for work. Nowadays i work for Inholland University (i also study there) where i represent them at several high schools, to promote Inholland and to help kids find a study they might like.


Hola Santa

In case you have a hard time finding a present for me, this MUFE Aqua Cream set á 175$ will do :)

Hurray they're back!!

My grandparents are back from Bali, Indonesia! Yeye i'm gonna visit them this afternoon & they brought me fresh dodol garut wuu. My mother & sister will arrive Tuesday.

Only the misty weather sucks a bit lol.


Post no. 700

Not the fastest poster these days and have been changing my blog like a zillion times, first putting mostly self-made pictures and nowadays lot of music fragments.. Haven't got a clear idea of what my blog needs to show, but maybe i'll find out later.


Tot ziens

Het gevoel dat het winter is en het allemaal er toch niet toe doet, overheerst. Dat je weet dat de wereld niet vergaat (en gerust zonder jou verder draait) als je een les op school mist. Dat de klas uiteindelijk ook maar een groep mensen is die per toeval samen zijn geplaatst. Je bent niets van elkaar, als overeenkomst de weg naar een diploma waarvoor je moet doen wat jij zelf wilt. Eigenheid creëren. Na dit ben je nooit meer die groep. Dan ben je weer alleen. Dus wat heeft die beïnvloeding dan voor nut gehad.



Went to this movie yesterday, enjoyed it a lot.
It was nice to see how the producers made Ryan Gosling from a loving Hollywood sweetheart into a silent stunt driver.
The movie was pretending a bit being a Tarantino movie, but those kind of movies are exactly something what's missing in the cinema these days.

All those Sarah Jessica Parker, super Hollywood productions are leading the market. Too bad, but it makes Drive a nice alternative.
Go see for yourself peoples!

Edit: Unfortunately the official trailer with soundtrack is deleted, so i posted just the soundtrack instead.


American Apparel buys

Last Friday i went to the big American Apparel sale @ Westergasfabriek Amsterdam. We left Rotterdam at 7 AM (so hardcore lol) and around 9 we were ready to shop! Bought this hooded scarf and the cute flower mesh jumper, love it. 
After that, we went to Hoofddorp to have some food and visit the Primark. A nice one over there, not that crowded and with tons of jewelry + shoes. 

Tomorrow my mum & sister are leaving for a two-week holiday at Bali, Indonesia. Next year it's my turn again, if school and stuff end up well.